MoSCoW | Done? | Component | Task | ---------|------------|------------|---------------------------------| M [X] Store Create an item M [ ] Store Delete an item M [ ] Store Update an item M [X] Store Vew a list of all items M [X] pcParts Central URL dashboard M [X] pcParts View a list of all parts M [X] pcParts View a part's details M [X] pcParts Create a part M [X] pcParts Update a part M [X] pcParts Delete a part M [X] pcParts Create a build M [X] pcParts Select a build upon part creation W [S] pcParts Add a part upon build creation M [ ] pcParts Update a build M [ ] pcParts Delete a build M [X] pcParts View a list of all builds M [ ] pcParts Flag a part is for sale on what platform S [ ] pcParts Identify who is selling a part M [ ] pcParts View a list of benchmarks M [ ] pcParts Update a benchmark M [ ] pcParts Create a benchmark M [ ] pcParts Delete a benchmark W [S] pcParts Add a benchmark upon build creation benchmark is part of a build in GUI W [S] pcParts Select a build upon benchmark creation benchmark is simply name and type M [ ] General Preview a list of uploaded file names S [ ] General Preview pictures TODO LIST: 1| Forms/Python - Update part details list for all parts (currently set to only SSD) 2| Forms/Python - Add update part to all parts (currently only SSD) 3| GUI - Create required fields on parts